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Dream Journal

Our most fun projects of the year are often our most immersive! Writing is NOT just about blocks of text and dauntingly large words in abundant strings- instead, it's more. To say that we as writers are limited is a gross understatement. We are thinkers, artists, and above all dreamers. The most romantic dreams shared by writers across the ages is the hopes that with our work, we can bring the readers into our minds and share our dreams with others. Dream journals allow us all to partake in that in some way- the experience is something I recommend and the benefits are incredible! You never know what your mind will come up with in the spur of the moment, and more exciting, what we can do with that inspiration! And that's what we encourage you to do with us this month.

Our organizational instagram is working this month to bring dreams to life by using the inspiration of other dreamers and thinkers- we encourage you to be a part of our dream journal by SUBMITTING YOUR PHOTOS, DRAWINGS, OR ILLUSTRATED CALLIGRAPHY to our email:!

Send in a picture, drawing, or illustrated calligraphy including a quote from literature that speaks to your feelings, emotions, and spurs of the moment! Selected pictures will be featured on our Instagram account and digital DREAM JOURNAL!

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