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A Universal Hope

Something I immediately think about when I imagine compassion and human nature is a good deed or a person who did a good deed. We don't hear about these people or things enough on the news (ESPECIALLY this kind of depressing week), but we should. Or at least, we should be able to hear their messages more often.

St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was a preacher and friar of the Catholic faith who lived in Italy (hailing from Assisi), and his life and teachings revolved around a basic idea of compassion. He was said to have loved nature and the animals around him, and in popular art he's often depicted with a bird in his hand. Many parables recount him preaching to the birds himself, always with an audience. His legendary ability to tame the wildest of creatures and change the outlooks of many people came from his own self-transformation process, as he himself started out as a worldly and wealthy businessman, too self-absorbed to worry about the feelings of others. To different people he has different meanings- personally, I find him a person of commendable character and an inspiring ability for compassion.

His most famous saying is a prayer, and while it's religious in context he does offer some food for thought that everyone, regardless of affiliation, can think about.

Here's some of it:

"Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is discord, harmony;

Where there is error, truth;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

And where there is sadness, joy."

Compassion is a concept that I believe transcends the division of religious factions and affiliations. As it comes down to it, it's a part of human nature to feel the need to help others and work towards that common good. It's a universal hope; maybe if I understand what you feel we can understand each other better. The point of this month was not to preach or define what compassion is; it's simply to find it in more places and bring it to light. Our world is filled with amazing things and amazing people- let's open our eyes and appreciate those few when we see them or hear of them.

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