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TEDtastic Voices

I was surfing the web recently, and the theme of this month really began to stir when I hit that part of Youtube filled with TEDx talks. These motivational speeches are given by standout members of our society; all the speakers have done something extraordinary that has the ability to inspire others, and their stories are truly fascinating. It thoroughly fits the theme of advocacy, of course, when these speakers choose to overlay their stories with a bigger message, as they so often do. And we can consider these messages overtly cliché, but the uniqueness of these stories makes us reaffirm our beliefs that certain truths really are true. Here are some of my favorite TEDx talks, and the bigger themes behind them: LIZZIE VELASQUEZ: Velasquez, who was born with a mysterious syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight and left her blind in one eye, has a spark of inspirational optimism that is undeniably reflective of a strong spirit. Her struggles with bullying and musings on the real meaning of beauty are entirely encouraging, and project a beautiful personality. No truer does this ring than in the down-to-earth, candid but shocking, story she tells about overcoming adversity and defining beauty in our society against all odds. LOUIE SCHWARTZBERG: Schwartzberg, who captures time-lapse photography shots from nature, helps us to marvel at the wonder of our world and he gratitude he describes is as clear as the quality of his photography. The inspirational clip he screens during the talk, with insight from a young girl and an old man on the beauty of our world, makes you want to get off the couch and lie awake in the backyard, acutely aware of the gift of nature. SAM BERNS: For a progeria patient who grappled with a life-altering and currently incurable ailment, the 17-year-old Berns shared with audiences an uncommonly rare spark of optimism and joy with which he led his life, which was equally rare in its beauty. While sadly cut short in January of this year, Sam’s life and philosophy touched me personally, as it will for all people seeking to gain a worldlier perspective on their viewpoint. And in his inspiring speech, a noteworthy quality; it gives us hope that there will be a cure to his syndrome. With diseases like progeria, we’ve always been kept guessing and left with no choice but to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. With awareness-raising stories like Sam’s, there’s always hope for a proportionate call to action in the larger community. This is really why TED talks exist; to bring us stories of people who actually do personify the values and ideas that we hold to be true in society but still can’t find beyond the occasional storybook or outlandish tale. These speakers are the personification of advocacy, and embody these and more causes and thoughts that continue to shape our world today. So what are YOUR favorite TED Talks? I'd love to know! Leave a comment down below!

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